Visual arts creation (tween and teen)

This course is for children ages 10 and older.
In this course, participants can develop and boost their creativity thanks to the use of a wide variety of techniques and materials. We bolster the learning and awareness of all the different techniques and materials, always at the service of a personal and creative project. We also work on group projects to promote teamwork.
The instructors guide students when they need it, always with the highest respect for their creative vision and autonomy. Students’ creative capability is enhanced, which improves their creative language.

Course objectives

  • To acquire a global vision of visual arts through learning and experimentation of different artistic techniques
  • To develop both sensitivity and aesthetic perceptions as well as to encourage interest in the interpretation and criticism of any artistic work
  • To boost creativity and to find pleasure in expressing and capturing ideas, facts, experiences, etcetera through visual arts language.
  • To help students discover how to think, imagine, share and communicate
  • To learn how to respect tools, materials and machinery used in any artistic process
  • To encourage the ability to enjoy different creative possibilities, strengthen personality and self-esteem
  • To promote relations with other classmates creating a collaborative environment

From Monday to Friday:
4.00 pm – 5.30 pm / 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm
5.30 pm – 7:00 pm

Tuesday (for adults): 7.15 pm -8.25 pm
Friday (for adults): 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

€ 50 Enrolment fee
€ 61 per month – One 1-hour period per week
€ 95 per month – One 1.5- hours period per week
€ 114 per month – One 2-hour period per week
All materials are included.

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